Annual Fund

Launched in 1988 as one of seven apportioned funds of The United Methodist Church, the Africa University Fund (AUF) undergirds the day-to-day operations of the institution. For example, gifts to the AUF support the work of the Africa University Development Office. They enable retention of outstanding faculty and students, keep the lights on, ensure ongoing maintenance of university infrastructure, etc.


It’s Africa University’s annual fund—unrestricted dollars that can be directed, as a need arises, to priority areas that require urgent action. In 2022, United Methodist churches graciously invested in the AUF at 83 percent of the goal. This year, the AUF goal is $2,306,343, apportioned to around 28,000 churches in the United States.


Churches collect their assigned portion through free-will offerings (at the time of the university’s inception this amounted to .29 cents per member per year) and send their gifts to the university through The United Methodist Church’s finance agency, the General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA).


When you give to the AUF, you equip change leaders to address critical challenges and maximize opportunities to be the difference in communities across the continent of Africa and beyond.


Help us close the gap! Encourage your church to make a 100 percent investment in the AUF for 2023.

If you’d like to help, but your congregation is not part of The United Methodist Church structure, you can make a direct annual fund gift.  Your gift matters. It can change a life.