South Carolina Conference Pilgrimage 2024

South Carolina Conference Pilgrimage 2024

Join Bishop L. Jonathan Holston and Mrs. Felecia Holston on a pilgrimage to Africa University.

January 5 – 14, 2024

Experience a ministry born of the generosity and faithfulness of United Methodists from across the globe. Affectionately known as “the school of dreams in the valley of hope”, Africa University is located across the road from the historic Old Mutare Mission in eastern Zimbabwe. Visit Zimbabwe: Harare, Mutare & Victoria Falls | Botswana: Chobe National Park | South Africa: Johannesburg/Soweto

Includes: Roundtrip Economy class air tickets, Ground Transportation by luxury coach, 4-star Hotels, Meals/refreshments, Guided Tours in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe; Chobe National Park, Botswana; and Johannesburg, South Africa.

Facilitated by:
Africa University Development Office
James H. Salley, President/CEO, Africa University (Tennessee) Inc. & AVCIA, Africa University

To sign up, please contact: Ms. Lollie Haselden, Bishop’s Office, SC Conference
Tel: (803) 786-9486 or Email:
Africa University (Nashville): Tel: 615-340-7438 Email:

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